Coaching Essentials for Leaders

The signature coaching skills training that will help you succeed into the future.

Do you want practical skills to empower your people to take responsibility, increase engagement and get results? Are you a people Manager, Leader, HR/OD Practitioner or an internal coach?

As we transition back into workplaces, does any of this sound familiar?

We’re here to support you to respond to these challenges quickly.

  • You’ve had budget cuts due to loss of revenue and uncertainty about the future economy
  • Your organisation has had to pivot to adapt to the economic disruptions and new work environments, to not just survive but thrive
  • You need to get innovative about how you and your team move forward to achieve tangible results and support your organisations profitability
  • Building engagement and retaining your high performers is now more important than ever to boost and maintain productivity and performance
  • With so much disruption, supporting the wellbeing of yourself and your people has a higher focus.

If any of this resonates, then you understand the importance of adapting your leadership style to effectively navigate this new reality emerging for leaders and organisations.

Introducing the Coaching Essentials for Leaders programme

This programme will teach you to:

  • Understand what coaching is and when a coaching approach works best
  • Be able to apply powerful communication skills that can be used in all areas of life
  • Understand how we learn, what drives our behaviours and how to embed habits
  • Be able to help a person to raise their awareness and increase their perspective to generate new, more creative solutions
  • Understand how to build high levels of trust in relationships
    Use a coaching approach to giving feedback that maximises behaviour change
  • Be able to facilitate developmental coaching sessions using a coaching conversation model
  • Be able to coach in the moment with individuals and groups

What makes this programme different?

We walk the talk.

Your facilitator and coach, Michelle, is not only an experienced professional coach but she has also been in your shoes; operating as a leader, a Manager and a Project Manager for many years before becoming a professional coach. In her own business she continues to use these skills with her staff and contractors.

Find the learning solution that works best for you

There are several options for how you can approach this programme to learn and integrate these skills.

Peer support

You’ll strengthen relationships with your colleagues and/or build new relationships with fellow participants as you regularly connect through the programme. Social learning occurs through discussions, sharing knowledge, practicing together and giving supportive feedback.

Long-time access to materials

When you participate in the on-line version of this programme. Go back and watch the videos as many times as you like to support the integration and application of your learning.

Equip yourself for the workplaces of the future

It’s time to develop your coaching skills and step more into being a people leader and influencer, rather than a Manager of resources.

If you continue to follow the common approach of directing, instructing and telling your people what to do – thinking your job is to have all the solutions – you’ll continue to experience frustration, feel exhausted trying to be across everyone’s work, increasing levels of disengagement and mediocre results. You won’t be positioning yourself, your team or your organisation to take on the challenges of the new environment and to thrive.

This way of working with greater flexibility has been talked about for many years, policies have even been written in preparation for people to work more flexibly but for the majority of organisations it hasn’t happened. There hasn’t been the right infrastructure in place or the type of high-trust cultures that would enable this approach.

With the enforced lock-down we’ve now experienced first-hand that this type of work environment is more than a possibility, it can work and it can deliver results. What’s needed to ensure success moving forward is to develop and adjust your leadership approach to respond effectively; to build trust and to lead your people in a more empowering way that delivers tangible results.

“The value I received from this programme was enormous! It provided a combination of refreshing ideas, tools and techniques which were supported by science and facts. There was an excellent balance between theory and practice, allowing time for raising my own self-awareness and insights, while also benefitting from practicing and interacting with others.”

Jennifer Bertie – Head of Operations

Are you ready to realise your leadership potential and equip yourself with practical, proven and profound skills and frameworks to coach your people?