Ignite Your Business: for coaches & practitioners

Accredited training and supervision to expand your skill set in the most up-to-date tools and techniques for transformation.

“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” – Robert Greene

    Are you ready to transform your personal practice?

    • How do you set yourself apart from every other coach and practitioner?
    • Do you ever feel nervous that you won’t know where to take a client session, or that your clients won’t resonate with your approach?
    • Where do you need support?

    Having a range of methods in your kete sets you apart from others and enables you to adapt to many situations and clients. Applying our techniques, you’ll never be stumped for where to go next or what to say to support your client.

    The best and most successful coaches and practitioners are dedicated to their own ongoing development.

    Be so good that people do your marketing for you!

    We’ve worked with so many coaches and practitioners who complete their core training but feel limited in their ability to truly serve the diverse needs of their clients.

    They spend time and energy trying to market themselves and stand out in the sea of coaches and practitioners on social media.

    Developing and deepening your skill in a range of powerful methods and having the ability to flex between them is what will set you apart from other coaches and practitioners.

    You will have clients immediately think of you when they need support or naturally want to refer others who are seeking help.

    Imagine having enquiries organically arriving in your inbox as word of mouth does the marketing for you.

    Ways we support you

    We have a number of certifications and programmes to support your ongoing development and to transform your practice.

    Havening Techniques® Training

    Set yourself apart by being on the cutting edge of neuroscience with these profound yet gentle set of techniques that can be applied in many contexts – from clearing unhelpful reactions, stress, trauma and anxiety to building resilience, confidence and performance.

    With Havening Techniques® you guide clients through proven approaches where they’re empowered in their change, with rapid results. Havening can be used both as a self-care tool and a practitioner led personal change method. As a Practitioner you have a suite of multi-functional psychosensory techniques that address a diverse range of client challenges and goals. You’ll also advance your ability to co-regulate with your clients, laying the foundation for change. Havening seamlessly integrates with other methods and creates astounding outcomes.

    6-step Belief Change Practitioner Training

    The 6-step Belief Change Process brings together a range of powerful methods into one simple and transformational process that clients love. As a practitioner it will quickly become your ‘go to’ method for shifting beliefs.

    You already know that beliefs are powerful drivers of patterned thoughts, emotions and behaviours. You’ll also know that shifting limiting beliefs can be challenging, but when it’s achieved, it transforms a person’s experience and perspective and opens up new possibilities. It helps to bridge the gap between a client’s current and desired state.

    Positive Neuroplasticity Training (PNT)

    Positive Neuroplasticity Training was developed by Dr Rick Hanson, Neuropsychologist and a world leader in resilience. This programme uses the latest developments in neuroscience and psychology to teach us how to rewire neural patterning to develop important inner strengths, and how to cultivate these in relation to particular challenges we may be facing. Learning this programme will change how you work with yourself and your clients. Attending this training is the first step in becoming a PNT Practitioner.

    Coach Supervision & Skills Mentoring

    We all have blindspots; we all have our own triggers and patterns; and we all have limited awareness. This is part of being human.

    The best coaches and practitioners understand the value of regular supervision.

    Regular supervision provides you with a safe container to explore your experience, build your resourcefulness, expand your perspective and gain better client outcomes.

    Skills mentoring supports you to embed and integrate your learning into your professional practice.

    Partner with the best

    When you’re in the personal and professional development field you likely have high standards for your own development – so do we!

    When you attend an Ignite programme you know you’ll be engaged in powerful learning experiences, ease of knowledge transfer, and integration of skills, all with the aim to advance your embodiment of the methods. Student feedback tells us that you will complete our training programmes feeling confident to immediately start applying your learning.

    When you integrate our methods into your practice you’ll be building your reputation and credibility and operating with greater integrity as a practitioner. You’ll begin to reap the rewards of repeat business and word of mouth referrals, as we do.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    I’m curious about Havening but, I’ve never experienced it, how do I know it works?

    If you’d like to know more about Havening and even have a taste of the Techniques please reach out. We’re happy to jump on a zoom and answer your questions.

    We can also refer you to research papers specifically on the efficacy of the application of Havening Techniques®.

    I’ve seen people doing the Havening Touches® - I’m not sure that my clients would be into that. How well is it received?

    Havening Techniques® were developed from a significant basis of neuroscience and experiential research. The role of soothing touch in our wellbeing is well understood, researched and validated. When you can simply explain the science and give people an experience of the method, it breaks down any resistance. People intuitively know these touches are beneficial.

    I already have belief change methods from my NLP & Hypnotherapy training, how would I benefit from learning the 6-Step Belief Change Process?

    Great question! Both NLP and hypnotherapy techniques can have a higher focus on “practitioner led” processes, with the client experiencing powerful shifts, but not always aware of what happened or how they might be able to replicate it for themselves. Whereas the 6-step Belief Change Process empowers the client/coachee in learning how to work with and transform their own limiting thinking patterns.

    The more that you can empower your clients in their own personal change, the more you’ll be sought after as a practitioner. Building a sense of personal agency is a key contributor to personal resilience.

    How would attending the PNT training support me as a Coach & Wellbeing Practitioner?

    Whilst this training is designed for the general public it has special benefits for coaches, counsellors, educators, healthcare professionals, and human resource trainers. The Positive Neuroplasticity Training can be a useful resource for normal range experiences of anxiety, blue mood, stress, loneliness, and interpersonal conflicts.

    The training provides you with simple, yet transformative, techniques and resources to develop core supportive traits that help to overcome the brain’s negativity bias and build resilience. You’ll be more resourced and grounded in yourself, as a Practitioner and have new knowledge and tools to support your clients.

    Lots of happy clients

    “Havening is such a gentle yet powerful tool for client transformation and Michelle has created a perfect learning environment and experience for you to add this to your practice. Do what you can to attend this training, you and your clients will both benefit massively. ”

    Lorraine Hamilton – Professional Coach & ICF Accredited Coach Trainer

    “Michelle delivered the training in a fun, friendly, professional way, with such interesting and valuable content – it made it easier to take in. If you’re thinking about doing this training, I’d say absolutely go for it! It’s a concise, powerful training, that will give you new tools which you can use immediately in your work.”

    Tash StevensonRegistered Nurse, Coach, NLP & Reiki Practitioner

    “I’ve been using the 6-step Belief Change Process with both my one to one clients and group sessions and it’s been really well received. It helps me to facilitate great change in mindset/mindshift.”

    Kat SoperFounder of the Helpful Academy

    It’s time to Ignite Your Impact