Kia Ora, I’m Michelle Dalley

Director of Ignite Group, Leadership Coach & Trainer and superhero fan, lifelong learner, and doggie mamma.

“The difference between working with me and some other trainings you might have experienced is that you’ll leave saying “I can’t wait to do this!” instead of “hmmm, that was interesting…”

Michelle Dalley

Not all trainers are created equal.

Supporting individuals and teams to grow and thrive is what lights me up. Thousands of people in a diverse range of organisations have benefitted from my IGNITE method for over 15 years, meaning more success for them, and the people that they come into contact with.

Many of those clients came to me not even knowing what was possible, just that something was ‘off’, or that they knew they wanted better for themselves and their people. I love helping people to tap into what they really want and gain that clarity, then support them to develop the mindset, skills and qualities to get there.

To achieve long term external results, it is necessary to look internally. That is where my breadth and depth of training and expertise comes in. I have distilled significantly complex trainings in neuroscience, resilience, coaching, mindset and more into easy to embrace experiences that anyone can apply to ignite a better life, career or business.

Supporting you all the way

It’s a lot easier, and more fun than you might think

And if you need accountability to take action, then I’m your gal. Growth and success is all about taking focused action to achieve your goals. I’m here to support you all the way.

Finally, if you don’t know what you need, then I can still help you get clear on that. If it turns out that I am not the best fit for your onward plans, I may be able to refer you to a trustworthy colleague.
I have also personally selected a group of highly skilled associates who support me in the delivery of our programmes.

If you’re curious, let’s talk.

My promise: You will never get on a call with me and be obligated to anything!

You can trust that I’m well trained.
I’ve done the work, so you don’t have to

I’ve been in your shoes. I have years of experience as a people leader, a business owner and a coach and wellbeing practitioner.

Here’s some of the training and methods that I use:

  • Certified Coach: Conversational Intelligence™
  • Master Practitioner and Trainer: Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Master Coach & Trainer: mBIT
  • Certified Leadership Coach: Babcock Coaching Methodology
  • Accredited Facilitator: DiSC Profiling
  • Five Behaviours of Cohesive Teams Facilitator
  • Accredited Coach & Trainer: The 10 Behaviours of Successful People
  • Accredited Master Coach & Trainer: BravaTrak High Performance Coaching
  • Positive Neuroplasticity Practitioner & Trainer
  • Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner and Trainer
  • Certified 6-Step Belief Change Practitioner and Trainer
  • Certificate in the Foundations of Neuroleadership
  • Authorised Blanchard Consultant
  • Emotional Culture Deck Practitioner

Making the complex simple

My superpower is distilling complex information into digestible and actionable steps. Sustained change occurs through the intersection of a powerful learning environment, knowledge transfer and integration.

Focusing on the right things

External results come from internal transformation. With the breadth and depth of experience I’ve gathered over 14 years, I will choose the right tool or framework for your situation and desired result.

Supporting Your Success

From bespoke training through to recognised Certifications and coaching, you are supported all the way.

Shall we get intimate?

You can learn more about my journey by clicking the button below