Havening Techniques®
Two-Day Training

Your first step to becoming a certified Practitioner

Train and become certified in one of the most exciting modalities in the personal development field today

A versatile, neuroscience-based and multi-functional toolkit suitable for professional coaches, mental health professionals, therapists, NLP Practitioners and first responders.

Havening is…

The Havening Techniques® are psychosensory methods that use the sensory input of touch, imagination, and attention to facilitate learning and create change. Developed from the most modern neuroscience it helps your brain to rapidly rewire unhelpful reactions – thoughts, feelings, behaviours – and to build positive states like resilience, confidence and self-esteem. Havening is also a powerful tool for emotion regulation and can be easily used on yourself or others.

“Havening”, the transitive verb of the word haven, means to put in a safe place.

Havening Techniques® have been shown to help people with:

  • Trauma, PTS(D), Panic Attacks, Phobias, Anxiety
  • Distressing memories and past events
  • Overwhelming emotions such as: embarrassment, shame, stress, overwhelm, frustration, anger, grief
  • Fear of abandonment
  • Public speaking and exam/interview nerves
  • Building confidence, self-esteem and self-worth
  • Building resilience and performance enhancement
  • Achievement of goals

See recent research by Nottingham Trent University and Cardiff Metropolitan University.

What you’ll learn on this training:

An understanding of the neuroscience of Havening and why it works.

A suite of techniques that you can use to help people get surprisingly fast and sustainable results.

Demonstrations of the various forms of Havening such as Event Havening, Transpirational Havening, Affirmational Havening and Outcome Havening.

Lots of hands-on-practise using Havening Techniques with other participants.

A downloadable Welcome Pack and Training Pack that includes: the Manual, the Procedural Guide, and handouts to use on the training and in your work.

Catering and refreshments for morning and afternoon tea.

Access to the Havening Techniques community portal where you will find a range of resources including various learning videos from Havening Trainers around the globe.

An invitation to join the Havening Closed Group Community where you can interact globally with other practitioners, trainers and the developers of Havening.

“I’m amazed at how powerful Havening Techniques are, the immediate results you can get and just how many areas where they can be utilised. Michelle delivered the training in a fun, friendly, professional way, with such interesting and valuable content – it made it easier to take in. If you’re thinking about doing this training, I’d say absolutely go for it! It’s a concise, powerful training, that will give you new tools which you can use immediately in your work.”

Tash Stevenson – Registered Nurse, Reiki Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner

“Since the training, I’ve used Havening, in some form, in just about every coaching session and clients love it! It’s easy to integrate with other modalities I’m trained in or on its own. My clients also love using Self-Havening as a home tool. They feel empowered knowing they can use it whenever they need it. This training was a great investment for both my business and also my own personal wellbeing – give it a go you won’t regret it!”

Brenda Scully – Principal Coach & Trainer

Who is this training for?

This training is ideal for people already working in and experienced in “helping” professions. As a psychosensory technique it is easily integrated with all talking approaches like coaching and therapy, as well as being a powerful stand-alone method.

Havening students and practitioners come from all walks of life including:

  • Psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors and social workers
  • Coaches e.g. life coaches, executive and leadership coaches, transformational coaches, performance coaches, business coaches etc
  • NLP Practitioners, Hypnotherapists and alternative health practitioners
  • Psychiatrists, Doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists
  • First responders such as paramedics, fire and emergency and police

Please note that this training presupposes that you already have skills and experience in working with and supporting others to facilitate change in their life and/or providing therapeutic/emergency support.

The Certification Process

Step One:

Full Participation in the 2-day approved training course

You may wish to select the “training only” option if you’re not in private practice and don’t wish to use the term “Havening”, or be known as a practitioner of Havening.

It may also be that you’re not yet sure if Certification is right for you.

Step Two:


Post training Assessment consists of:

  • Submission of 30 case studies that demonstrate your use and understanding of Havening Techniques
  • Submission of 2 videos of sessions where you have used Havening Techniques
  • Successful completion of a Science Review

Step Three:

Annual certification

Upon successful completion of the training and assessment, there is a fee of $99 USD to be registered as a certified Havening Techniques Practitioner.

There will be a $99 USD renewal fee charged annually for remaining a Certified Practitioner. These fees include your profile listing on the Havening.org website and the right to use the Logo and any other proprietary material that is subject to copyright laws in your country.


1. Attend

Investment: *$1,297+gst NZD
*50% discount applies for repeat students

2. Assessment

Investment: $1,100+gst NZD

3. Annual Certification

Investment: $99 USD

Meet your Havening Trainer, Michelle Dalley

Kia ora, I’m Michelle, and I’m excited to be supporting you on your Havening journey.

I’ve been a professional Leadership and Personal Development Coach and Trainer for over 15 years.

I attended my first Havening Training in 2018 and was hooked. I’ve successfully used Havening, in some form, with virtually all of my clients since then (that’s hundreds of people!). Havening continues to be one of my go-to techniques as it consistently achieves rapid and lasting results.

In addition to being a Havening Techniques Certified Practitioner & Trainer I also hold a number of accreditations including:

  • Certified Coach: Conversational Intelligence™
  • Master Practitioner and Trainer: Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Master Coach & Trainer: mBIT
  • Accredited Facilitator: DiSC Profiling
  • Positive Neuroplasticity Practitioner
  • Certified 6- Step Belief Change Practitioner and Trainer
  • Emotional Culture Deck Practitioner
  • and more…

Havening Case Study – Social Anxiety

Havening was the only method that diminished my social anxiety.

For years, I struggled with social anxiety that stopped me from achieving things, doing things I loved and held me back from reaching my full potential. I tried many different tools and therapies over the years and Havening was the only successful method, it’s truly changed my life.

I first came to Michelle too afraid to socialise with my friends and join the sports teams that I loved (my brain was constantly full of overwhelming negative thoughts – focused on what people may think of me). Through Havening, we worked through negative old beliefs and rewired them to new positive ones. In addition, I also learned tools to help calm my nervous system down, which I can apply in so many situations.

After our first session, I left feeling a lot better (as I usually do after talking to someone about my problems), but I was so surprised at how drastically my confidence levels had improved (I wasn’t specifically looking to see if it had improved, it just happened without me noticing!). The next thing I knew, I was able to join the football team with my friends and to my surprise, not be overthinking the whole time about what people would think of me, instead being fully present and having fun.

This has been a long lasting result from just one session and it has honestly freed me from a mental prison of comparison that I had created. It has opened up so many new doors and opportunities for me and I am beyond grateful for Michelle and Havening.

– Brooke, Hawkes Bay

Havening Case Study – Grief

I came to see Michelle as I was nearing the first anniversary of the loss of my mother, which was also very close to my birthday. I was wanting to let go of the overwhelming feelings of grief associated with these dates and to replace it with a sense of gratitude for the shared life and memories we’d had.

Michelle took me through a Havening session to shift emotional triggers around certain stressful events and also provided me with the tools and strategies to work through any emerging feelings when needed.

Four years on and these strategies are still effective and there is no triggering associated with the old events. I highly recommend Havening with Michelle.

-Stephanie, Wellington

“Michelle’s Havening training is highly ethical and integral (not an easy find) and she demonstrates her wealth of knowledge and depth of skill through humour, connection, community and an open and compassionate heart. She’s also a highly supportive supervisor whom I’ve benefited hugely from, and I know many others have too. I feel privileged to have been under her tutelage while training and certifying in Havening Techniques”

Charlotte Schuckard – NLP Master Practitioner, Life Coach

Get in touch to learn more